Come out and show your support for the Duval Urban Debate League @ the Impact Center! The Annual Community Debate Forum and Banquet will consist of a town hall debate around new solutions to increase academic achievement in Duval County Public Schools between community leaders and the Duval UDL’s Great Debaters.
Join a diverse panel of Jacksonville’s new leadership in a community forum on the pros and cons of social services on education, community, and the economy, including Mia Jones, Florida State House of Representative, Sam K. Jackson, founder of the PA.C.E. Life Management Plan, Jacquelyn Green, Florida Department of Children and Families, and Irvin Pedro Cohen, Program Manager of New Town Success Zone, Jacksonville Children’s Commission.
Doors open at 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Opening Ceremonies and Honorariums: 6:00 – 9:00pm
- Keynote Speaker: Brenda Priestly Jackson, Duval County School Board,
Attorney, Author
- Entertainment: Full Force Dance Troupe, Sally B. Mathis’ Stomp Team, Educated Street Man, Loud Mouth Pens and Jessica Shannon (soloist).
Catering by All Purpose Events and Catering
Download the Sign Up Sheet and fax back to 866-899-4886 or email us!
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Keynote Speaker: Brenda Priestly Jackson, Duval County School Board, Attorney, Author
Entertainment: Full Force Dance Troupe, Sally B. Mathis’ Stomp Team, Educated Street Man, Loud Mouth Pens and Jessica Shannon (soloist).
I will make sure I am there. Let me know if there is anything I can do in the interim.
I attended 01/20/10 debate and it was beyond my wildest expectations that middle schoolers are ready to debate at collegiate level.
If you want to see who and how our future is being formed come and see the solutions!
German Vivas, First Coast Coalition Member