We have established an account via Twitter for you to receive updates during the Summer and Fall on your cell phone. To sign up you first need to create a Twitter account. Go to: www.twitter.com/signup and complete the forms. Once you have created your account, go to http://search.twitter.com and search for “greatdebaters”. Next to ‘greatdebaters’ click the button that says “Follow.” You are now following our account.
If you go to your new account’s homepage, you will see the messages we have sent out.
In order to receive a text message on your cell phone: from the Twitter home page, click the link that says “Settings” in the top right corner. From there, click the “Devices” Tab. Insert your phone number. Click save and follow the instructions for verification. After your phone is verified, send a text message to the number 40404 that says “follow harvardhsdebate”. You will now receive a text message with each update posted.