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Support the 1000 Great Debaters!

Do you have a passion to reform local education?

Suburban and private schools have long recognized that debate programs effectively prepare students for the future. Debate assist students in the developing a positive identity and coping skills, as well it can lead to better attributes necessary for success in high school, college, post-graduate programs, and ultimately for a wide variety of career paths.

Research at Georgetown University has found that “skills taught by debate are important to successful leadership in virtually every field imaginable. Clergy, teachers, lawyers, judges, doctors, business leaders and others report that debate teaches crucial skills which were an important part of their success.”

Urban Debate Leagues are built around a Tournament calendar.  UDL Tournaments focus student preparation, practice, and learning in citywide academic debate competitions.  It is not an exaggeration to say that the academic benefits that a UDL brings to a school system and its students are propelled more directly by Tournament competition than by any other mechanism within the range of urban debate programming.  Tournaments bring together all of the debaters in the League to compete over a two day period in structured and formal argumentation over public policy issues – this season, the U.S. federal alternative energy policy.  They motivate dozens to hundreds of hours of reading, research, and argument preparation on the part of each student debater in the weeks leading up to them. During the Tournament itself, debaters engage in a full day period in verbal and mental competition, culminating in an exciting and affirming Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening.

The DreamKeepers Sponsor-Partnership Level is our Title sponsorship and calls for corporations or law firms to sponsor one of the five regular season Duval UDL Tournaments during the season.

Title sponsorship arrangement would entail:

1. Exclusive naming and publicity rights over the tournament event.

2.   The tournament will be called “The (Sponsor’s Name) Urban Debate Invitational Tournament of Jacksonville.”

3. Exposure and publicity opportunities before, during, and after the Tournament, for example, joint media exposure, promo material or signage around the school campus, or on stage during the Awards Ceremony.

4. Full color ad in the Community Debate Journal

5.   Sponsor Recognition and a table for eight.

6.   It will also enable the Sponsor’s employees to become directly involved in the Duval Urban Debate League and Duval County Public Schools through active roles as judges, volunteers, mentors, assistant coaches, or merely as presenters or speakers at the Awards Ceremony and observers at the Tournament.

7. Logo placement on all promotional materials and website,

** This exclusive sponsorship opportunity comes at the cost of covering a some of the Duval UDL’s program and associated administration expenses to organize the Tournament, in addition to underwriting daily operations and debate incentives.

Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions (904) 419-3211 or info[at]